Size Does Matter To Women….

Some women like … BIG hair salons.
Some women like SMALLER hair salons

Impressions are proud of its small but perfectly formed stature.
We don’t pretend to be a salon for everyone.
If you are looking for a salon that has millions of staff flying around
The music set to stun.

We ain’t that salon.

I made a decision a number of years ago that I wanted to keep impressions small and personal a salon that you did not feel part of a large process but felt listened to not a cog in a machine.

I wanted my customers to have personal service with a senior stylist from the consultation right the way through their time in the salon.

No palming the customer off with juniors or other members of staff.

I wanted our customers to feel wanted and comfortable.

So when you visit us prepare for a one on one experience.
To be listened to.
To be treated as an individual and not a number.

As I have said if you love the corporate vibe we ain’t that salon.

Great.. Just Fill Out Your First Name And A Good Email And We Will Do The Rest....

Fancy 50% Off Your First Cut And Blowdry With Us?

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