Kitchen Collection.

While in Lockdown I came up with the idea of doing a collection of salon friendly haircuts that I think, and know clients of impressions new and old often talk about.

Plus I have done short videos explaining what the haircut does. The sort of hair it would suit and other factors

Introduction To Kitchen Collection

Long Layered Hair

This haircut is often great for clients who have always wanted long hair but as they get older they know their hair should have more structure but they don’t want this to mean short.

long layered hair

Face Shaping.

Face Shaping To Make Long Hair More Interesting Without Losing Length Or Heavy Layering
Just an add on to the long layered shape. Often clients with long hair want shape however can’t or don’t want layers.
When this is the case creating shape around the face can be a great solution that enables the client to have a change but not lose too much length or have excessive layers.

Great.. Just Fill Out Your First Name And A Good Email And We Will Do The Rest....

Fancy 50% Off Your First Cut And Blowdry With Us?

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